Van Waring: Fool's Puzzle -
VAN WARING, Untitled tangle, 2023, Color pencil on paper, 16x18 inches, Courtesy of the artist.

Coastal Marin Artists Gallery

Van Waring: Fool's Puzzle

April 5 - June 8, 2025

Curated by Noelle Hiam

Bolinas-based artist Van Waring was born into a family of artists in the Central Valley and has been making art reliably and fervently since she was old enough to hold a pencil in her hand. Waring studied printmaking and painting at UC Santa Cruz. Always equipped with a magic multi-colored pencil, paper, embroidery floss, and fabric scraps, she incorporates fine art making and creative whimsy while working with community, creating music, and mothering.

With this exhibition, Waring’s work evolves from textile-inspired drawings to real textiles and fabric play. The series examines one’s limitations and openings, the finite and infinite in what we weave together in our life, and the resources, the medium, and the mind. She explores “what we do in the meantime” while her patchwork of stories, textures, and threads traces the interconnected mess that weaves us all together.