Special Event
Fri. May 1, 5:00 pm This event has passed
Free / via Zoom
Pour yourself a glass of wine, make a cup of tea, and come discuss art and life. What is your favorite artwork? Was there a piece that just moved you to tears, inspired something new, or encouraged you unexpectedly? Interested in hearing what inspires others? Join friends old and new that love art and be part of the discussion.
All are welcome! If you have something you would enjoy sharing and to help facilitate the discussion, email Christine@bolinasmuseum.org 1.) an image of the artwork and 2.) a brief explanation of your encounter with it by noon on Thursday, April 30.
We will meet on Zoom and look forward to a lively, convivial time of conversation and community as we learn a bit more about each other and art.
RSVP to christine@bolinasmuseum.org by 5 PM Thursday, April 30
A Zoom link will be emailed Friday.