Courtyard Event
The Astonishing World in a Drop of Water with Jenny Jacox and Janai Southworth
Sun. July 9, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm This event has passed
Join us to view the array of microscopic life found in a drop of water collected directly from Bolinas Lagoon. Jenny Jacox, PhD in Ocean Sciences, and artist/naturalist/educator Janai Southworth share their passion and deep knowledge as they provide a window into a surprisingly magnificent world with microscopes and monitor screens. Plant-like phytoplankton are the base of the oceanic food chain and create 50% of our planet’s oxygen. Grazing on the phytoplankton are microscopic animals called zooplankton. Zooplankton include the tiny larvae of future crabs, mussels, jellyfish, and more. The zooplankton perform the planet’s greatest migrations, nightly, around the world. This experience will fascinate children and adults and expand your vision and understanding of our blue planet.
Free and Open to All