Photography Gallery
Code Humpback
A Multi-media installation by Charles Lindsay
June 7 - August 17, 2014
Curated by Jennifer Gately
Bolinas Museum has commissioned Charles Lindsay, Guggenheim recipient and SETI Institute’s (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) first Artist in Residence, to create multimedia sculptural installation in honor of the Centennial of the Bolinas Marconi wireless radio station. Inspired by recent developments in interspecies communications and Morse Code transmissions between the Bolinas and Point Reyes stations (the last of their kind in the United States to maintain this once vital Maritime language) Code Humpback is a sculpture, video, and sound installation that raises questions about possibilities of alternate modes of communication that merges analog technologies with SETI astronomer Laurance Doyle’s recent findings in information theory related to humpback whale song.